Associate of 艺术: General Studies


The AA in General Studies degree is designed for students planning to transfer to a college or university and requires a minimum of 60 credit hours. All courses included in the degree must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. A minimum of 35 of these credit hours must be completed in the Arizona 通识教育 Curriculum (AGEC-A). The remaining degree requirements are comprised of 25 credit hours or more in the student’s elected program of study. 课程 numbered 100 or above (excluding MAT 121, 垫122, and ENG 100) which transfer as equivalent, departmental elective credit (DEC), or general elective credit (E) will be counted toward this degree. Special Topics and Experimental courses will not be counted toward this degree. 课程 taken for S/U credit will not be counted toward this degree.



 最低学分要求: 60







The outcomes identified below define the knowledge and skill sets that 通识教育 graduates will possess at the end of their program of study.


  • Use effective research strategies to find credible, relevant information.
  • Use a writing process that includes pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing strategies.
  • Communicate effectively by using the best available means of persuading a specific audience in a specific situation.
  • Articulate the 复杂的ity, commonality and diversity of human behavior with groups.
  • Use technology to enhance communication.
  • Increase literacy to or beyond the intended level of the course.
  • Develop awareness of "text" as it exists within historical, political and cultural contexts, using literary and rhetorical analysis.


  • Apply mathematics in context using appropriate problem solving skills
  • 选择和操作公式
  • Create and interpret graphical representation
  • Perform operations on mathematical structures, 这可能包括真实的, 复杂的, 矩阵, 函数空间
  • Demonstrate an understanding of geometric concepts
  • Apply and interpret limits and limit definitions
  • Gain appreciation of the nature and uses of mathematics
  • Communicate using the language of mathematics


  • Apply critical thinking skills, incorporating evidence gathered in research and in class.
  • Evaluate religious, philosophical and humanistic traditions.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of cultural diversity.

社会 & 行为科学:

  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • Synthesize, evaluate, and analyze information from different sources.
  • Relate and explain connections between past and present events and issues.
  • Understand historical process and method.
  • Understand and utilize relevant discipline theories.
  • Understand the connection between politics, values/ethics, and society.
  • Increase awareness of national and/or global issues.
  • Understand the scientific method, the role of theory, and the use of data.

物理 & 生物科学:

  • Demonstrate skills necessary to conduct scientific investigations.
  • Demonstrate scientific literacy
  • Demonstrate skills necessary to conduct scientific investigations.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and deductive reasoning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.
  • Demonstrate the use and application of models in building a scientifically supported framework

For AGEC-A outcomes and 通识教育 information and requirements visit the 通识教育网页.